Swimming and life

Swimming, life, movies, music, maybe some books, everything and anything I can think of...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

School....well and life in general

So I am off to a decent start at school..yesterday was the final day of the midterm grades...so that..as always..will be quite an experience to bring those grades home..I am already planning my speech...yippeee.. but they are better than normal..so thats good..
I am swimming..everyday all day it seems. I think I should start sleeping in the locker room. We have practice three mornings a week and every day after school too. I am always purely exhausted. I am sitting here right now typing this and icing my shoulder....and once I am done here..I will eat a yummy bagel with nutella! yum.
I am starting to make some friends at school. But I am not sure if they will be the ones I want to keep..but they are people to walk in the halls with for now.. but I am sure that in a school of 2000 people I should be able to find some better ones. Oh well.
I am being stalked...its great..haha..this guy is so annoying..and I think I kinda blew it that I hate him..whoops..oh well. fine by me..but at the moment he is really pissed at me..i find it really funny though..he is just a jerk..so thats his fault..
this ice is really cold in case you were wondering...
but anyways...i will continue rambling about nothing...
oh! I know..we went to New York last week! And both my parents credit card's numbers were stolen! and the people went to canada with them! haha. but it was really fun. We did a lot. We did a good bit of shopping. And then we went to Ground Zero and the Museum of Natural History with my dad's friend who works for the FBI. And he knows a guy who works at the museum and the guy came and took us like behind closed doors to where they make and work on all the exhibit things. it was really cool to see it. Thats where they make all the exhibits..and do all that cool stuff. it was fun to see.
Then we went up to West Point..It is in Upper State New York...or New Jersey.idk which....and we just toured around different parts of it..and my dad showed us a whole bunch of stuff. Then there was this fancy dinner thing..well it was the dinner thing for the actual reunion. We were in ny for the first place because my dad had a west point reunion. And so at this dinner.. I met like eight million people who all knew me when I was like a baby and stuff. I got really tired..of this exact story..Hi Rachel. You probably don't remember me. I babysat you one time when you lived in Atlanta..Or I did this. Or bla bla bla. I knew your mom when she was pregnant and I came to see her in the hospital and at your house when she was on bedrest. and all this stuff.. then after I met a whole bunch of people I went to these two girls room...and we watched tv..and they were twins...and I am sorry to all the twins out in the world..but to save my life I can never tell them apart..its like seriously impossible for me.. it does not matter how hard I try..they look the same for crying out loud! so....then the next day there was a parade type thing.. and then a brunch..then a football game..the game was fun..other than the fact it was really cold in the morning..when we got up at 4:45 and then it got really hot at the game.... then there was another dinner thing.
So overall New York was a lot of fun..oh I forgot to say..that there is a guy who was in my dad's class at west point..and now he is in the secret service..and I was talking to him..and he knows Obama..and his kids..and wife and stuff. He also knows George Bush and then Hilary Clinton.. he used to be her body guard dude..haha. he was talking about his job and stuff..That would be such a scary job..but you would know so many important people....
Ok..well that is all for now.. I will try and post more often..But I am so busy..i never have time!! haha

Monday, August 30, 2010


Well I have finally gotten back to swimming. I am swimming for my school. So far it has went pretty well. I have met a lot of people..but one thing I can not stand..is that I have met a few people who were really nice to me until they found out I was a freshman.. now..its like I don't exist..I want to be like seriously..you are like a year older than me.. oh well. There are ten freshman on the team so thats good. The school that I think I am going to starts on Wednesday. yesterday me and my mom went shopping in Seattle which is about two and a half hours away from here. It was fun. We took the saying shop til you drop to a whole new level.
Today I have practice. Actually it is consuming my whole life. I have it every afternoon for three hours and then in about a week starts morning practices..which start at 5:45...three days a week...and they are required....so that sure will be fun. I can not wait...yippppeee.. Practice so far has not been too awfully bad except for the running..it is so hot out when we run.. But we did have one set that sucked..for you non-swimming people out there..technically we swam a mile sprint with very little rest..it was not fun..especially because I am out of swimming shape..but the coaches really like me..and are impressed with me..they have told both of my parents over and over and then me too. So thank you Pilot!! I want to go back there though..i loved that team..and the coach...even though I sang the classic song of Jackie Hates Me.. Jackie was my old coach..and the song is to the tune of Jesus Loves Me..its a classic song..I have even sang the abc's in my head before the practice has been so hard..but yes..i loved that team and coach..
So that is my update on swimming..i found it very ironic that even the url of this thing has to with swimming and I very rarely talk about swimming....

Friday, August 13, 2010

The gym....whew...

Ok..So since I have moved..we have all joined a new gym. This is not just some average gym. Nope. Both of my parents know the owners..of course..my dad especially knows everyone that lives here I am pretty sure. You can not go anywhere without seeing someone you know..haha..so anyways..they know the owners..They used to be trainers at this other gym..but then they started their own gym. And it is torturous. The one guy..his name is Chance...he looks at you with the evil eye and neither of them will not let you do any slacking and I would not dare to with them watching me..who knows what could happen..haha..
So both of my parents know the owners as I said before...one of them used to work out with my dad and the other one trained my mom. So I walk in there for the first day and my mom is like this is my daughter..bla bla..since its her first day..give her an easy workout..they both look at each other and say ok..she can do the same one you are doing...and im like..oh great..thanks..So I am doing whatever...and my mom's friend had like more than the weight of me on this one thing and she is like take that off..you don't need that much..and Chance is like..nope..she is Bob's kid..so she can handle it.. I am like..yes..if I was my dad..yes..but I am not my dad..haha..Now Chance calls me Bob..since thats my dads name..He is like "Is that ok with you? I am going to call you that forever anytime I see you, train you, or do anything" haha..That gym is miserably hard. Yesterday I was so tired I layed down in the parking lot when we were done.
Today while I was working out this guy came in and Mike was talking to him and was like so what have you been eating and stuff this week..and the guy is like..well I had a snickers..whew..Mike was not so happy to say the least..haha.I am glad I didn't eat any snickers..hehe..
So there is my story..long way short..I now go to a gym that is so ridiculous hard I think it could be called like abuse or something..haha.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hello World!!!

Hi. I am alive. I did not fall off the face of the planet. I feel like I am so out of touch with the rest of the world. But I will catch up. I have been so busy it seems. We finally just today got internet. It took forever and ever. Oh well. I am glad I have it now.
I have so much to say I am not even sure where I should start at. I will just say whatever. So this summer..hmmmmm..we drove across the country. And if you put me, my mom, and my sister and two little dogs in a car all the way across the country..you are going to get tired of each other. haha. The whole way I kept telling my mom I wanted to just run. I wanted to get out and go running. I did not care where. And when these three people all wanted different radio stations on it could get difficult. But we survived. Even though we were going to stay in this God-forsaken town. My goodness. I do not think you could call it a town. whew. But we decided to drove a bunch more. fun fun.
So we got here...here is a town in the middle of Washington state..if I told you you would want to know how to say it and you would have never heard of it. But here I am. We arrived and within ten minutes..before I had even seen the house..we had one of my good friends from when we lived here before show up..and then..the neighbor lady. We do not live in a neighborhood..but off our gravel access road there are three other people. We have some property so we are not too close..thankfully..anyways..this lady..I have never seen someone talk so much. She came over the first day we were here..I had not even toured my own house..went to the bathroom..unloaded the car..nothing..she shows up and stays an hour and a half. whew..then she and her husband were at my house a week or so ago and they stayed three hours. long long time. she talks so much..but with the history of my house..i could talk a while too. It is a new house..but really long story short..the builder built it for himself but then he couldnt afford it so he had to sell it. there were all kinds of leins on the house. contractors and people were not paid..bla bla. It is quite the story..and of course we didnt know any of it when we started into offering on the house..even thats a story.. haha..
but so since we got here..we unpacked..and unpacked..and some more unpacking..we are finally pretty much unpacked though. We have cleaned..and ugh..cleaned..and guess who we had to dinner?? it was really stressful. we had my dad's boss who is from norway..some big high up guy from australia...a lesbian..and some other lady... haha..it was stressful..to say the very least.
and whew..I have done so much this summer. I have been so busy.
And I do not know where I am going to school. But here we do not start until September....unlike a school that starts on August 18th by chance..hmmmmm... anyways....I am going to go now because I am sure you are tired of reading..haha..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Internet is a very important luxury!

so.. i am not sure if this is going to work..but i hope it does! haha.. so i feel like i fell of a cliff out of the worlds communication. so since i was last here.. i drove across the country..my truck came..and we have unpacked and unpacked and unpacked some more..
so our drive across the country...it was good..we did it in four days. we drove about ten and a half hours each day.. i got pretty tired of sitting..and my phone kept dying..that was annoying...
then we got here to washington state..and our truck came..and boy is that a story.. we had so much damage and stuff..we found all kinds of spills and smashed stuff..the biggest thing was our washing machine. the guy totally broke it.. he was supposed to secure the big drum thing inside..which he did..he just put screws threw it...which broke it..now we have two big holes in the drum..so we are getting it fixed..but its expensive..we have all kinds of stuff..i could go on and on forever...it was our worst move ever.. and we have moved a lot..
and whew.. we have been really busy with friends and everyone.. we used to live here so we know a lot of people already..
then last week..somehow i got recruited into volunteering at our old church`s vbs.. that was exhausting.. so the lady i was helping was doing music and stuff..so she made me do all the singing and dancing with her...and those songs.....i dont think they will ever be out of my mind..they r still stuck.. then i helped the main sound guy... he had me doing all kinds of stuff.. it was stressful.. cuz if i messed up.. the whole skit would have been totally messed up and weird..
now i am sitting here on my phone.. we still dont have internet!!! aaahhh.. i want it back! hehe.. i have internet on my phone but it takes a while and it is weird sometimes..but i think that this week we are getting it..so that will be good.
a lot of things use the internet it seems when u dont have it.. well i will finish updating and stuff and be back on track once we get internet.. i just figured out today that i could post off of my phone.. and idk if this is really going to work.. i guess we will find out..

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Hey guys,
So real quick, I just wanted to say that I might not be able to update for a little while. I am leaving either tomorrow or the next day to move. It depends on how much our movers get done. And so then I will be driving for four or five days..and then whenever I can get some good internet again..I will update. I will post pics of this trip and stuff. But for now I will talk to you soon. I might be able to comment..but I definitely can still read it on my phone...so tty soon!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random Stuff.....

Well I am not sure what I am going to talk about yet..I guess just whatever comes to my mind..haha.
First I will say that...I am tired. I have stayed up past midnight for the past like 2 weeks..haha. And at midnight I am not tired..it is the next morning that I am exhausted.haha. Oh well. When I drive across the country I am sure I will get caught up on sleep..because I will be in a hotel room with my mom and my sister..so I can't talk all night to anyone..haha..But then once I get there..I will be able to talk as long as I want.
The next thing I will say is that I am really out of shape..and I need to go to swim practice. But now we are busy so I do not have time. So I think I will just have to get back in shape once I move. So that is that I guess.
And then next is me moving. So our movers are coming on Thursday. I am leaving on Saturday. My mom said that when the movers get here...we need to have everything we need. Apparently they will pack everything. She said that if you are not careful..they can like wrap up and pack trash and stuff..haha. That would be really funny.
Well I think I am going to leave now..because I am supposed to be cleaning my room..but I haven't done that yet..whoops....