Swimming and life

Swimming, life, movies, music, maybe some books, everything and anything I can think of...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hello World!!!

Hi. I am alive. I did not fall off the face of the planet. I feel like I am so out of touch with the rest of the world. But I will catch up. I have been so busy it seems. We finally just today got internet. It took forever and ever. Oh well. I am glad I have it now.
I have so much to say I am not even sure where I should start at. I will just say whatever. So this summer..hmmmmm..we drove across the country. And if you put me, my mom, and my sister and two little dogs in a car all the way across the country..you are going to get tired of each other. haha. The whole way I kept telling my mom I wanted to just run. I wanted to get out and go running. I did not care where. And when these three people all wanted different radio stations on it could get difficult. But we survived. Even though we were going to stay in this God-forsaken town. My goodness. I do not think you could call it a town. whew. But we decided to drove a bunch more. fun fun.
So we got here...here is a town in the middle of Washington state..if I told you you would want to know how to say it and you would have never heard of it. But here I am. We arrived and within ten minutes..before I had even seen the house..we had one of my good friends from when we lived here before show up..and then..the neighbor lady. We do not live in a neighborhood..but off our gravel access road there are three other people. We have some property so we are not too close..thankfully..anyways..this lady..I have never seen someone talk so much. She came over the first day we were here..I had not even toured my own house..went to the bathroom..unloaded the car..nothing..she shows up and stays an hour and a half. whew..then she and her husband were at my house a week or so ago and they stayed three hours. long long time. she talks so much..but with the history of my house..i could talk a while too. It is a new house..but really long story short..the builder built it for himself but then he couldnt afford it so he had to sell it. there were all kinds of leins on the house. contractors and people were not paid..bla bla. It is quite the story..and of course we didnt know any of it when we started into offering on the house..even thats a story.. haha..
but so since we got here..we unpacked..and unpacked..and some more unpacking..we are finally pretty much unpacked though. We have cleaned..and ugh..cleaned..and guess who we had to dinner?? it was really stressful. we had my dad's boss who is from norway..some big high up guy from australia...a lesbian..and some other lady... haha..it was stressful..to say the very least.
and whew..I have done so much this summer. I have been so busy.
And I do not know where I am going to school. But here we do not start until September....unlike a school that starts on August 18th by chance..hmmmmm... anyways....I am going to go now because I am sure you are tired of reading..haha..


  1. Whew I got tired just reading it


  2. haha..i am sure you did. It was probably boring...and i only stopped typing because I got tired of typing it all.


  4. I do!! Its the best thing ever!! haha
