Swimming and life

Swimming, life, movies, music, maybe some books, everything and anything I can think of...

Friday, August 13, 2010

The gym....whew...

Ok..So since I have moved..we have all joined a new gym. This is not just some average gym. Nope. Both of my parents know the owners..of course..my dad especially knows everyone that lives here I am pretty sure. You can not go anywhere without seeing someone you know..haha..so anyways..they know the owners..They used to be trainers at this other gym..but then they started their own gym. And it is torturous. The one guy..his name is Chance...he looks at you with the evil eye and neither of them will not let you do any slacking and I would not dare to with them watching me..who knows what could happen..haha..
So both of my parents know the owners as I said before...one of them used to work out with my dad and the other one trained my mom. So I walk in there for the first day and my mom is like this is my daughter..bla bla..since its her first day..give her an easy workout..they both look at each other and say ok..she can do the same one you are doing...and im like..oh great..thanks..So I am doing whatever...and my mom's friend had like more than the weight of me on this one thing and she is like take that off..you don't need that much..and Chance is like..nope..she is Bob's kid..so she can handle it.. I am like..yes..if I was my dad..yes..but I am not my dad..haha..Now Chance calls me Bob..since thats my dads name..He is like "Is that ok with you? I am going to call you that forever anytime I see you, train you, or do anything" haha..That gym is miserably hard. Yesterday I was so tired I layed down in the parking lot when we were done.
Today while I was working out this guy came in and Mike was talking to him and was like so what have you been eating and stuff this week..and the guy is like..well I had a snickers..whew..Mike was not so happy to say the least..haha.I am glad I didn't eat any snickers..hehe..
So there is my story..long way short..I now go to a gym that is so ridiculous hard I think it could be called like abuse or something..haha.


  1. Dear God. haha. I didn't hear all of that story!
    P.S. I'm glad i'm not you!

  2. haha..yes..it is awful..and you should be glad...haha.
