Swimming and life

Swimming, life, movies, music, maybe some books, everything and anything I can think of...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Hey guys,
So real quick, I just wanted to say that I might not be able to update for a little while. I am leaving either tomorrow or the next day to move. It depends on how much our movers get done. And so then I will be driving for four or five days..and then whenever I can get some good internet again..I will update. I will post pics of this trip and stuff. But for now I will talk to you soon. I might be able to comment..but I definitely can still read it on my phone...so tty soon!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random Stuff.....

Well I am not sure what I am going to talk about yet..I guess just whatever comes to my mind..haha.
First I will say that...I am tired. I have stayed up past midnight for the past like 2 weeks..haha. And at midnight I am not tired..it is the next morning that I am exhausted.haha. Oh well. When I drive across the country I am sure I will get caught up on sleep..because I will be in a hotel room with my mom and my sister..so I can't talk all night to anyone..haha..But then once I get there..I will be able to talk as long as I want.
The next thing I will say is that I am really out of shape..and I need to go to swim practice. But now we are busy so I do not have time. So I think I will just have to get back in shape once I move. So that is that I guess.
And then next is me moving. So our movers are coming on Thursday. I am leaving on Saturday. My mom said that when the movers get here...we need to have everything we need. Apparently they will pack everything. She said that if you are not careful..they can like wrap up and pack trash and stuff..haha. That would be really funny.
Well I think I am going to leave now..because I am supposed to be cleaning my room..but I haven't done that yet..whoops....

Friday, June 4, 2010


So Inksong said on her blog that she really liked the song "If You Only Knew" by Savannah Outen. So I went to YouTube and listened to it...like fifty times I must add. Then on the little things that pop up after the song the song Goodbyes came up. So I clicked on it. I really like that song. I am addicted to it..haha..I am listening to it right now. It really can relate to me. Saying goodbye is always really hard. So go listen to the song!! haha.. And thanks Inksong for the song suggestion!!! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I have not talked any about music yet on this blog..so I have decided I would..
Pretty much anytime I am on my computer, I am listening to some sort of music. Most of it is always really random. I listen to all sorts of stuff.I will pretty much listen to anything. I was wondering what everyone out there in the world listens to. So tell me what you like to listen to, and what you hate to listen to and I will comment..haha...

Swimming in Washington

So yesterday I was informed by my friend in Washington that the first outdoor swim practice was on Monday. She told me the practice was supposed to last two hours but they only lasted an hour and fifteen because it was so cold.But then apparently they found some hot chocolate so at least that would have been good..hehe. So I guess this is what I have to look forward in a few weeks. Swimming in frigid cold water, so cold the practice is ended early. Or I could swim here in the warm pools that are already opened...so I guess I will have lots of fun freezing bright and early every morning...Yay for me!