Swimming and life

Swimming, life, movies, music, maybe some books, everything and anything I can think of...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

School....well and life in general

So I am off to a decent start at school..yesterday was the final day of the midterm grades...so that..as always..will be quite an experience to bring those grades home..I am already planning my speech...yippeee.. but they are better than normal..so thats good..
I am swimming..everyday all day it seems. I think I should start sleeping in the locker room. We have practice three mornings a week and every day after school too. I am always purely exhausted. I am sitting here right now typing this and icing my shoulder....and once I am done here..I will eat a yummy bagel with nutella! yum.
I am starting to make some friends at school. But I am not sure if they will be the ones I want to keep..but they are people to walk in the halls with for now.. but I am sure that in a school of 2000 people I should be able to find some better ones. Oh well.
I am being stalked...its great..haha..this guy is so annoying..and I think I kinda blew it that I hate him..whoops..oh well. fine by me..but at the moment he is really pissed at me..i find it really funny though..he is just a jerk..so thats his fault..
this ice is really cold in case you were wondering...
but anyways...i will continue rambling about nothing...
oh! I know..we went to New York last week! And both my parents credit card's numbers were stolen! and the people went to canada with them! haha. but it was really fun. We did a lot. We did a good bit of shopping. And then we went to Ground Zero and the Museum of Natural History with my dad's friend who works for the FBI. And he knows a guy who works at the museum and the guy came and took us like behind closed doors to where they make and work on all the exhibit things. it was really cool to see it. Thats where they make all the exhibits..and do all that cool stuff. it was fun to see.
Then we went up to West Point..It is in Upper State New York...or New Jersey.idk which....and we just toured around different parts of it..and my dad showed us a whole bunch of stuff. Then there was this fancy dinner thing..well it was the dinner thing for the actual reunion. We were in ny for the first place because my dad had a west point reunion. And so at this dinner.. I met like eight million people who all knew me when I was like a baby and stuff. I got really tired..of this exact story..Hi Rachel. You probably don't remember me. I babysat you one time when you lived in Atlanta..Or I did this. Or bla bla bla. I knew your mom when she was pregnant and I came to see her in the hospital and at your house when she was on bedrest. and all this stuff.. then after I met a whole bunch of people I went to these two girls room...and we watched tv..and they were twins...and I am sorry to all the twins out in the world..but to save my life I can never tell them apart..its like seriously impossible for me.. it does not matter how hard I try..they look the same for crying out loud! so....then the next day there was a parade type thing.. and then a brunch..then a football game..the game was fun..other than the fact it was really cold in the morning..when we got up at 4:45 and then it got really hot at the game.... then there was another dinner thing.
So overall New York was a lot of fun..oh I forgot to say..that there is a guy who was in my dad's class at west point..and now he is in the secret service..and I was talking to him..and he knows Obama..and his kids..and wife and stuff. He also knows George Bush and then Hilary Clinton.. he used to be her body guard dude..haha. he was talking about his job and stuff..That would be such a scary job..but you would know so many important people....
Ok..well that is all for now.. I will try and post more often..But I am so busy..i never have time!! haha