Swimming and life

Swimming, life, movies, music, maybe some books, everything and anything I can think of...

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hello to everyone out there....I am here today to talk about creepers.. Yes creepers..
I would like to know your opinion...What do you think makes a creeper a creeper?? What does someone have to do to you or others to make you call that person and classify them as a creeper...I could write a book on mine..so I don't think I will tell you at the moment my opinion...But tell me your opinion on this question!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I do not like rain at all. Rain ruins most things in life. And it has ruined the pool the past three days for me. I have went to the pool while it is nice and sunny out only for it to start raining and me have to leave. It is very annoying. Tomorrow I am determined to just go to the pool earlier in the day, but I also have to give my dog a bath. I was supposed to do that today, but I pushed it off and made a good excuse and now I will do it tomorrow.. haha..
But yes..the rain is annoying. But it is fun to watch and stand in if there is nothing going on..haha..
Today I was only at the pool like an hour before I had to walk home in the rain. And it was thundering and my sister clung to me like the world was going to end. It was funny. She was like about in tears..But there was one really big thunder and lightning that was loud in scary when you are outside walking..so whatever...
So that was my rain experience the past few days.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cleaning and "Cleaning"

Yes I am sure you just read the title and thought..um...ok..that is weird.. But my mom has been making me clean out a bunch of stuff so the movers can come. And I have been "cleaning" instead. "Cleaning" is when you are in your room all day sightly throwing away a few things so your cover does not get blown, emailing people, texting people, blogging (if that is even a word), listening to music, shopping online, and doing many other things. Then later when your mom asks what you accomplished you can say...I did a lot. I threw away a lot of stuff.. hehe.
But yesterday and today I have actually made a little bit of progress. I clean for a little while and then I give up and decide to go do something else. I keep like everything. I have like cards that people have sent to me from like 3 years ago. And even things that have no value, I keep just because I remember them. So I have a lot of cleaning out to do.
And that is what I have been doing all summer so far. But I really have not made a whole lot of progress.


Well I am here to inform everyone reading this officially that I am moving. We are most likely leaving in the next two to three weeks. We are going to Washington State. I used to live there for six years before I moved here. Well actually, I have lived a lot of places. I was born in Atlanta, and then I moved to Boston, then I moved here, then I moved to Washington, then I moved here, and now I am moving back to Washington. So I still have friends there, but I am really going to miss all of my friends here.
And the main reason I am sitting here writing this was to tell you that to get out there, we are going to drive across the country. It takes five days. We drove when we moved here and now my mom wants to take a different route and do it again. I am not so sure I am in favor of that idea. For me, I think it was a one time experience. But we go through a lot of different states, and then we stay at a hotel at night. I will post pictures of all of that as it happens.
But that is about all I had to say for now, just that while I am on my way, I will be posting pictures of the country....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My day today

Well before I say anything, I am going to say that I am sure that all of my like four readers out there are thinking..um Kara I thought this thing was about swimming..And well I am here to assure you that in some point in time it will be. I just have not had the heart to get up at like 6 to go to practice. I have already been up at that time..I just do not want to have to be up at it..so when I eventually get my butt down to practice and I die, I will have someone post my funeral arrangements..but for now..I will just talk about me and my life in general..
So.. I will tell you about my day today. I actually got a few things accomplished. I cleaned out a good bit of stuff, and my room after day three, no longer looks like a bomb went off. Hehe.. I had to at least make it look like I had accomplished something, or my mom was not going to let me go to the pool to work on my hideous tanlines..But guess what...they are better now..well sorta..they are still getting there but they are a lot better than they were. I also had to take my sister to the pool with me, but it was ok. Then later my mom came and she ended up talking to our neighbor up the street.
And everyone..I have had a revelation that I am about to make..I actually opened a book today and read..Yes I am sure you are all very proud of me..hehe.
I started reading it this morning, because I couldn't sleep and I was not talking to anyone and had nothing else better to do. So I started a book called Just Listen. My friend told me it was good book to read so I bought it..And then another friend today told me it was good. It actually is...I like it. I like to read when no one forces me to and if I find a good book. I also read this book at the pool today.
And now I am here. I am writing this post at 12:01.... I am emailing with two people, writing this, doing some online shopping, reading some other blogs, listening to music, and trying to be deathly quiet..because if my mom finds me...lets just say I will not be updating for quite a while..a very long while. I would end up dead.. haha..I am doing like a million things that she wouldn't want me to right now..hehe..oops..haha.

Project 11

I was looking through my profile and I noticed that I was following a blog called Project 11. The blog is kind of disabled now, the links do not work and it is kind of over, but I decided to tell you about it anyways.
So in the summer of 2008, my uncle passed away from an 11 year battle with melanoma skin cancer. He had had 17 major surgeries, and was on many drugs many of which made him very sick at times. He went through chemo, radiation, you name it. He was a very strong fighter. Any time that you would try to talk to him about it, he would very quickly change subjects, and act like nothing was wrong and that he was fine. Even if he was sitting in a hospital bed. When he was first diagnosed, the doctors said he had at most 18 months and he lived 11 years past that. The doctors were all shocked as to why he was still alive. My uncle was very healthy. He really liked to ride his bike. Every morning, if he was well enough, he would get up and ride his bike. He was also very inspired by Lance Armstrong and his cancer foundation.
My uncle is the reason that my parents know each other. They would not have known each other if it wasn't for my uncle. My mom would not be the same person she is without him. He was like a father figure in her life because her dad died when she was 8.
All of that to say, that when he died, his son (my cousin) started up a project called Project 11. The goal was to do 11 events (triathlons, marathons, duathlons, centuries, etc) in 11 months and raise 11,000 dollars all for one man's 11 year battle with cancer. The money all went to the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer research.
So my cousin and my dad did these events and we brought others into it as well. We had some family friends who did a century bike ride (and for those of you who don't know what that is..it is a 100 mile bike ride). Another goal was to get people into healthy life styles that they could carry out. My father started into the sport of triathlons and he is still doing them today. He had always been a biker, but he was not so great at swimming. He had the run down ok as well. He did most of the races with my cousin if he was around. I did a few triathlons. And we had some other people brought into it. Universal Sports found us and posted an article on their website. The link to it is.... http://www.universalsports.com/news/article/newsid=346939.html
The project is over now. We raised over 7,000 dollars. It was not as much as we had hoped for, but still a lot considering we were in economic hard times so they said.
Right now, for some reason the blog is not really working. None of the links are working. I will ask my cousin if I get a chance if he can make it work again..but I am not sure he will have time. His wife just had a baby recently.

Monday, May 24, 2010


I am going to talk about books right now. I do not read very much..but I will occasionally..as in if I am forced..or am bored out of my mind..So but I will talk about some books that I either have/haven't read.
First the topic will be fantasy..I hate fantasy anything with a burning passion. It drives me absolutely crazy. It is so unreal and there is not point in it whatsoever. It really is an annoying genre. Nothing in it ever has the slightest bit of a chance of actually happening. Here is how all fantasy stories go...once upon a time in a land far far ago..there was a person and a dragon. the dragon was scary. the dragon chased after the person. Person is scared. person is brave and mighty and slays the dragon. The townspeople are happy and everyone lives happily ever after. The End. I hate fantasy anything...
Now I will talk about whatever other kind of books you would like me to. I just had to go on a little rant about me hating fantasy..so now that that is over..give me some suggestions of what to read..and maybe I will consider it..

umm....not sure yet...

Well here I am..I do not know what I am going to say yet..so I do not have a title.. I am just going to talk about whatever.
So here I go..right now I am not really doing a whole lot. I am emailing a person and typing this blog, listening to some music, and then looking up stuff about swimming. I think I will start to talk about swimming, but only one of readers will understand..so Jewel..here we go.
I looked up the longcourse southeastern time cuts..and they changed the 50 free time..Now it is 30.59. It used to be 31 something. So now guess what.. we have to swim a 26 still but I really do think they changed it.. Hmmm..well I was going to really try for that during longcourse..but considering I am so out of shape...and my shoulder is going wacko again...I highly doubt I will do that..and haha..I haven't been to any meets. So I believe I am out of that..
And yes about my shoulder..I can feel it again. It is acting up which is partially my fault and partially not. I would tell my mom that I need to go back to therapy..but I am like 100% sure that she will not like that idea. I will have to keep working on it by myself and see if it gets any better. If not I guess I will have to go to therapy. They will probably have to tape it all up again and then everyone you see..is all like what happened whats wrong..It gets rather annoying..oh well.
The tape was like to train it how to move again because it over rotated and then would rub against other bones and stuff and tear them down. And then it would pop. And it does that again now.ugh..It is annoying.
But back to the topic of actual swimming..I really do need to get back in shape..and guess what!?!...our practices are now in the morning..so yay..then I can deal with me being dehydrated in the morning. Oh well.
Ok..so that is the end of my rant about me and swimming..

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My new job in life..

So I have decided through out today...that I am going to be a professional creeper profiler...Doesn't that sound like a nice job? Yes I am sure it does..But I will probably be on the run a lot because I will end up murdering all of the creepers..they will all coincidentally fall off of cliffs, get eaten by sharks, and many other crazy things...But that is a secret..so don't tell..to all of my 2 readers..hehe..
And I have even included both of you in my job..Smith it is your job to think through the guy's mind and then be my publicist when I publish a book. And Jewel it is your job to be my crime partner..and we both know that we are amazing at hacking. We excel at four number codes..birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, social security numbers, building codes, addresses....you name it..haha.
And so here the clan is..We will all work together on professional creeper profiling and I believe that we are all going to start our work with the same creeper. For the sake of privacy I will just say that it is a he..He thinks he has owns the world and is better than everyone at everything. I will also say he thinks he is eye candy and a freakin doctor. That still creeps me out..so I am glad I am now in the business of creeper profiling..
Tell me what yall think about our new job...we can call it the KJS Corporation of Creeper Profiling. Or we could make up some random thing like DGRO..Then it could stand for nothing!! hehe..i am still on that topic..


So today was my second day of summer.
It consisted of me "cleaning" and cleaning...Then I headed off to the pool. At the pool, I have come to find out some people have way too much confidence in their bodies...if you are a girl..you will know what I am talking about.. I saw some people that I wanted to be like "do you really think that you need to be wandering around in a bikini? nope..you don't" Then I saw others who looked amazing.. And then there was me..with my stupid tan lines..I have received them from the trip and some other stuff. But I am determined to make them go away..And I don't think anyone cares...but Jewel I wore the brown suit you gave me.. it was cute..
Well that is all I have to say for now..

My day

Well when I woke up this morning, at 5:07, I decided I was going to do something fun and exciting..That has not happened yet. I would like to go to our pool, but if I go, then my sister will want to, which then means one of my parents will have to..so idk if I will.
Then I have been cleaning my room. It looks like there was a tornado. It is a disaster. And if anyone asks..I am still cleaning..hehe. I am also in the process of texting and listening to music, and writing this post..as you can see cleaning is going very well.
I am thinking about watching Avatar tonight. I think me and my dad are going to watch it just for the heck of it so we can see what all of the commotion is about. Mostly everyone I have talked to says it is amazing. There have been some that have said it is awful. I think it should be ok. So I will consider watching it tonight. Comment and tell me what you think about Avatar...and will I cry??? There has to be nothing not even close emotional in it..or I will cry.
So tell me your thoughts on Avatar.....

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This is post number 1!!

Well hello to everyone out there.... Even though I do not think that many people will be out there..but whatever.
I have thought about making a blog before, and I think I actually have, but I have no clue what became of it. It was under some random gmail I made for it. But today...I have decided to make one that I am going to keep up to. This blog is mainly going to be about swimming. I am talking about this with a friend at the moment on another person's phone. You know who you are. And so this will be about swimming and then life in general.
So..here my blog goes..hmm..this is stressful...idk what to talk about first..
I shall begin this by talking about swimming. I am a swimmer. I swim on a year round team. It is fun..well actually fun is not exactly the word I am going to use...But anyways..I like it. At the moment I would sink if I decided to go to practice so I am procrastinating going back.. I am really out of shape.. I am a little nervous to go back to practice. I have not been in a while because of a ton of things. Mainly just that my family has been really busy. But when I do go back I will inform my one reader that is going to care about practice and then meets and other things...
But for now..I will talk about whatever comes to my mind..well not quite..
I am going to talk about movies, books, music (hehe, yes music.."jewel"...) and a lot of other things..
that is all I am going to say right now..Oh and for all of my readers of this bloog..haha.. it is going to be really random if you have not already noticed. I think of random things..very random.. so that is all for now..goodbye..
This blog is going to be changing...This is just the first initial start of it..